The Bishop’s Delegate for Women Religious provides liaison between the Bishop of the Diocese of Camden and all women religious living in and/or ministering in the Diocese.

The Office maintains the following focus:

Extending a pastoral presence to religious in or entering into the Diocese
Serving as the Bishop’s contact with the Major Superiors of congregations with members in the Diocese.
Working collaboratively with other offices to form and distribute diocesan policies, ministerial agreements and compensation scales for women religious engaged in diocesan ministries: in parishes, schools, health care, social services, etc.

Ministerial Role:

Maintaining personal files for all women religious in Diocese
Communicating news and information regarding ministry openings, housing, compensation scale, events for religious and other items of interest
Establishing contact with religious in the diocese through visits and participation in local events/celebrations at residences and ministry sites, including contemplative monasteries
Representing concerns, grievances and questions of individual religious and groups to the appropriate persons when requested, honoring confidentiality
Working collaboratively with the Diocese regarding ministry opportunities
Representing the Diocese through participation in international, national and regional organizations of religious
Planning activities and events relating to women religious

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