Lent in Catholic schools is a time for prayer and service

Written by by Mary P. Boyle

Deacon John Kacy places ashes on fourth grader Maura Madden during Ash Wednesday Mass at Saint Mary School, Williamstown.

Pope Francis, in his 2017 Lenten message, said, “Lent is a favorable season for opening the doors to all those in need and recognizing in them the face of Christ.”
Students in South Jersey Catholic Schools will take Francis’ words to heart during this holy season, which began with the distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday.
In every school, students gathered at prayer services and Masses to receive ashes with the humble message, “Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.”
Kindergarten students at Saint Michael the Archangel, Clayton, collect items to donate to cradles to Crayons Organization.

As they prepare for the joy of Easter, Catholic school students will share Lenten journeys that include prayer services, Masses and simple soup meals. They will keep journals, create Lenten newsletters and read faith-based literature. On stages and altars, they will bring the Passion of the Lord and Stations of the Cross to life. Through programs such as the Camden Diocesan FaithFull Food Drive and Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) Operation Rice Bowl, they will fight hunger around the corner and on the other side of the world. Local shelters and food pantries will benefit from students’ generosity through donations of toiletries, money and food.

The mission of South Jersey Catholic Schools is to educate and inspire young minds spiritually, academically and in service to others. There is no time like Lent to see our mission in action. We welcome visitors and invite you to discover all that is possible with faith in school.

Mary P. Boyle is superintendent of schools, Diocese of Camden.
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